GP had been tracking and analysing the London market for years before the right opportunity came about to invest and cultivate a meaningful interest in the Film Studio business. Setting aside our life-long enthusiasm for one of the leading forms of British culture, Twickenham Studios is a perfect fit with our commercial and development criteria of creativity, quality and growth.

Given that the global production industry for Film, TV, streamed and visual content is set to undergo continued expansion and reinvention for the long term, there is a real and robust demand for a first-rate British studios. In a key location in the capital, and with a top quality talent pool, cutting edge technologies and supporting facilities on hand, Twickenham Studios has both the capacity and the reputation to fulfil.
Built in 1913 to be the largest set of studios in the country, Twickenham rightly enjoys a proud position within the heritage of Britain’s Film and TV production. Among the countless classics to have been be created here, during the golden hey-day of cinema, include The Italian Job, Alfie and three Beatles movies. This iconic, prestigious success continues to date with the recent, Academy Award winning, Bohemian Rhapsody.
Over the next three years, and with a great operator-partner in place, the focus is on a future-proofing modernisation programme. This will respect the precious heritage, whilst revolutionising Twickenham to be a benchmark resource, fit for dynamic purpose, once again. The 110,000 sq ft complex, adjacent to St Margaret’s Station and comfortably spread over a 2-acre site, will be a powerful integration of film studios, production facilities and creative workspace.