Now is our time to re/define how we work together.

Our intention at GP will be to de-bunk as many tired old myths about urban renewal as we can. Why can’t a first-class workplace be a vibrant, social neighbourhood? Why not places and opportunities for all?

Pollard Street will be a place of cohesion. Gathering people together to work, socialise and be inspired.

Where better to re/imagine this than Manchester, the original disruptor? Driven by diversity and determination, the monumental reputation of this city has been borne out by the many, hard won successes of the unique people here. We will build on the communal heritage and the cultural credibility of the nation’s industrial home.

At Pollard St, every process and task is to re/invent.

Our award-winning architects Hawkins\Brown are re/invigorating a brownfield site to create a new, open location that clearly and positively impacts upon the local community.

With a sensitive spirit and through collective engagement, Pollard Street will be a versatile, responsive, adaptive and evolving workplace. Only responsible, long term improvements will be implemented. Only green, sustainable initiatives will be delivered.

Working in close partnership with Manchester City Council and with leading investor, Angelo Gordon, now is our time, not only to champion New Islington as the new working frontier for Manchester, but to pioneer a new workplace model for the country.




350,000 sqft




£175 million


Planning Approved

Related Progress