242 Marylebone Road became a runway for one day to host Poster Girl’s debut at London Fashion Week.
We know, in London, accessible and inspiring space is scarce. So we have always made it our mission to put our meanwhile spaces to good use and support young creatives.
Led by two young entrepreneurs – Francesca Capper and Natasha Somerville – Poster Girl has, in just five years, positioned itself as one of the most prominent names in the industry – with their unique vision and defined identity, they’ve completely revolutionised the world of fashion.
With all of their pieces designed and manufactured in London and their clear determination to push boundaries and create high quality – and beautifully designed – products that are accessible for everyone, Poster Girl fits perfectly with everything General Projects stands for.

The event brought together some of London’s greatest creators who put together a show that has been ranked as one of the best of the February line-up.
It was amazing to see what creativity, collaboration and good work can produce when provided with the right space, and we are truly honoured to have been a part of such a special occasion in their journey.